Serialisation: the time is now!
November 25, 2014
A sleigh ride to serialisation success for 3C Integrity!
December 18, 2014

Infographic: how will you meet the challenge of serialisation?


Implementing serialisation in time &
on cost is one of the greatest
challenges for pharma companies.



These deadlines will not be pushed
back. you and your supply chain need
to ready in time.



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Ad-hoc tactical
projects or a
planned predictable


3C Integrity will help
you meet this challenge

Our world class experts have extensive experience in the effective design and
implementation of product security, coding and serialisation solutions.


Our expert resources will be configured to complement your organisation for a tailored serialisation capability.

We deliver successful & trustworthy serialisation solutions built on a foundation of knowledge ensuring you meet your challenge on time & in budget.

We create a solution for your entire programme


we respond to
your specific needs


Contact us to start your journey to a tailored roadmap
that will help you meet the challenge of serialisation and ensure the safety of your patients.


Act now
and guarantee your future with
3C Integrity

Register now
and attend our next pharma serialisation workshop on the 27th-28th January 2015.

Eventbrite - 3C Integrity Pharma Serialisation Workshop

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