“The Delegated act on the Safety Features will become applicable 3 years (6 years in those Member States having an authentication system in place on 1 July 2011) from its publication in the Official Journal (Article 2(2) of Directive 2011/62/EU*).
The Commission aims at adopting the Delegated Act by the end of 2014. Publication in the OJ [Official Journal of the European Union] will follow in the first half of 2015, due to Parliament, Council and WTO scrutiny rights.
If this timing is respected, the Delegated act will become applicable sometimes in the first half of 2018.”
This remains the question that senior decision makers in pharma manufacturers need to ask themselves – or will you now take action to mitigate that risk and make a start on your Readiness Programme, for example by signing up for 3C Integrity’s intensive 2-day Serialisation Training on 2nd and 3rd April 2014?
What are you going to do with this information? 2018 may seem a long way off but given the complexity of these implementation projects, the experience of early adopters and – not to forget – the limited capacity of vendors and solution providers, you would be well advised to press ahead with your implementation and not take your eye off the ball.