To add a L3 Site Manager or not to add a L3 Site Manager – that is the question
“Should a serialisation solution stack include a Level 3 Site Manager?” – This is a question that pharmaceutical companies around the globe are asking as part of the challenges that they face to implement serialisation and traceability.
The Site Managers module has typically been deployed at the ANSI/ISA-95 L3 of early adopters’ serialisation solution stacks but recently that default position has been challenged. We look at this challenge by examining the key functions that the L3 Site Manager can provide and discuss, in detail, the case for and against deploying this module.
We look at functions such as Site-level Management Console, Single Access Point/Data Exchage Hub and the Network Bridge Function / Network isolation and examine these in the context of a pharma company’s wider system landscape, IS policy and against the background of the practical support and management issues that need to be considered when implementing this capability.
Our latest White Paper, available to download from the download page on our website, discusses this topic and examine the case for and against making the L3 Site Manager an essential building block of a pharma company’s solution.
Download the White Paper: Traceability Stack Level 3 Manager today from our Download Page