Who: Global Track & Trace Russia
What: Three-day conference event
When: 24-26 June 2019
Cost: FREE
Register: https://www.excellishealth.eu/gtt-russia-register/
The Russian pharmaceutical traceability requirements present a challenge like no other, but our industry-leading experts will help. Meet our experts in Moscow on the 24-26 June and start your serialization program off right and keep it on the right track.
We will talk serialization against the current requirements, the unique challenges of Russia against global regulations, and how to meet the ambitious time scale promptly and with an effective readiness program.
Join us and Excellis Health Solutions for the GTT event in Russia this June, where we are partnering with Systech International, TraceLink, KORUS Consulting, and Santens Logistics whose experts will be available to speak to throughout the three-day event. Channel their expertise into your business serialization solution and tackle the complex requirements of the upcoming Russia traceability regulations.
Secure your seat for GTT Russia and join our experts for a:
24 June: Welcome reception, cocktails and dinner.
25 June: Meet the experts through a series of Q&As, panel and round table discussions focussing on the CRPT, supply chain processes and regulatory compliance.
26 June: Santens 3PL site visit
We will help you secure your supply chain in and out of Russia. Register today to join us on 24-26 June 2019.
Or email getsecured@Excellishealth.eu for more information.