EMVO, the European Medicines Verification Organisation, have announced the launch of the EMVO On-boarding Partner Portal (OBP Portal). 3C Excellis are part of the EMVO team and we are therefore pleased to publicize this important achievement to our partners and our wider network.
The go-live of the OBP Portal is an important milestone in the road towards the implementation of the Europe-wide systems and processes that enable pharmaceutical companies and their supply chain partners to fulfil their legal requirements and comply with the EU-FMD (Falsified Medicines Directive) requirements that come into force across Europe in less than two years, on 9th February 2019.
3C Excellis are proud to be part of the team that has designed and delivered the On-boarding Partner Portal and the underlying processes, in particular the Legitimacy Check that is critical in ensuring that only bona fide pharmaceutical businesses are granted access to upload Unique Identifier data to the Europe-wide repositories systems.
The EMVO OBP Portal is available here: OBP Portal. You can also view and download the official Launch Announcement Letter of the EMVO On-boaring Partner Portal_V.1.0
To get the insider’s view on the EU-FMD join 3C’s Webinar “10 essential things you need to know to secure EU-FMD compliance” on Thursday 16th March 14:00 GMT: