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Join our next webinar: Pharmaceutical Traceability Brazil – the next big challenge

The details

What: online webinar
When: 28th January 2021, 14:00 UK / 09:00 Eastern Time / 11:00 Brazil / 15:00 EU time
Cost: Free

The Brazilian Authorities (ANVISA) have set out requirements in line with the National Medicine Control System (SNCM). Join Excellis as we talk about what that means for Pharma companies, and how you can get ready for the April 2022 deadline.

Excellis Europe has successfully supported, from strategy to sustainability, a range of biotech/startups in US and Europe. This webinar will help you identify what you need to focus on to get ready for the deadline.

Before the webinar we have a survey about how YOU are getting ready for the April 2022 deadline. We’d love for you to fill this in so we can answer the questions that matter most to you. Fill out the survey here.

The speakers

  • Christoph Krahenbuhl
    Senior Director, Excellis Europe
  • Volker Ditscher
    Director Global Sales Track & Trace, WIPOTEC-OCS
    After studying electrical engineering with a focus on automation technology, he worked in the automotive industry at General Motors. Since 2007 he is active for the WIPOTEC Group, the world market leader in Track & Trace systems for marking products in various industries with unique codes. As a Project Manager Mr. Ditscher lead several hundred such serialization projects. Since 2011 he is globally responsible as the Director Global Sales Track & Trace for the relevant product division at WIPOTEC-OCS.
  • Marcelo Cozac
    Director, MC Pack Equipamentos
    Marcelo is an Engineer with 24 years experience in the packaging industry and 11 years experience in track and trace application for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

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