Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from 3C Excellis
December 23, 2016
10 essential things you need to know to secure EU-FMD compliance: Register today
March 3, 2017

3C Excellis present at the PCI Conference

2017 brings us one step closer to the EU-FMD deadline and the need for all in the pharmaceutical supply chain to be compliant.

3C Excellis will continue to work with individuals, companies, and national organisations to deliver expert traceability advice that will get your processes secured and will add value.

We will be speaking at several events throughout the year including:

PCI and Serialization Partners London Serialization Forum

The PCI Pharma Services are a full service partner offering expertise and experience for those working in the global healthcare industry.

As part of their work they are holding a series of fora across the globe. Christoph will be speaking at their London event on the 24th February. He will be opening the session with a presentation on the ‘State of Readiness’ and focusing on how to prepare for our industry’s serialization requirements.

The New Year is already up to speed for 3C Excellis with Christoph speaking at the PCI Conference in London on the 24th January. This serialization forum is a free event organised by PCI Pharma Services, Christoph will be talking regulatory deadlines and how to add value while delivering compliance.

3rd Anti-Counterfeiting Pharma Conference

This pharma conference takes place in London on the 7-8 March 2017. The conference will focus on the current picture of anti-counterfeiting as well as insight into the latest technology and research within this sector.

For more information on any events we are appearing at email or contact @3CExcellis on Twitter.


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